Waterstones Synopsis

Dee loves her children very much, but now they are all grown up, shouldn't they leave home? Rosie moved out when she got married, but it didn't work out, so now she is back with her parents. Helen is a teacher, and doesn't earn enough for a place of her own. Anthony writes songs, and is just waiting for the day when someone will pay him for them. Until then, all three are happy at home. It doesn't cost them anything, and surely their parents like having a full house? When a crisis occurs, Dee decides things have to change for the whole family ...whether they like it or not.
Just spent a beautiful day in and out of the garden enjoying the glorious sunshine reading Full House in between housework of course.
My Review
A nice little read for a single sitting whilst indulging yourself. Maive Binchey does a pretty good job of describing modern family life with stay at home offspring. No doubt every mother will identify with some if not all of protagonist Dee's mistakes and grievances. I am certainly guilty of one or two misdemenours. (I justify myself by putting it down to having only one child, I would never let three away with it......would I?).
A light gentle read to while away a few hours although everything is resolved rather too quickly but with only 117 pages to play with it's necessary.